Is your wellness program built on a solid foundation?

In a society increasingly conscious of well-being, with the costs of health care benefits remaining high, many businesses have established or are considering employee wellness programs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has defined these programs as “a health promotion activity or organization-wide policy designed to support healthy behaviors and improve health outcomes while at work.”

Yet there’s a wide variety of ways to design and operate a wellness program. How can you ensure yours fulfills objectives such as reducing absenteeism and controlling benefits costs? Build it on a solid foundation.

Pandemic changes

Clearly, many business owners believe in wellness programs. Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, a 2017 study of 3,000 worksites by the CDC and researchers at the University of North Carolina found that almost 50% of those employers offered some type of health promotion or wellness program.

Since the pandemic hit, the focus of many wellness programs has begun to shift away from physical health to overall well-being. This means helping employees with improving their mental health, managing their finances and adjusting to remote work. (Some research has found that wellness programs don’t significantly improve short-term physical health or medical outcomes.)

Total leadership commitment

Whether it’s an existing wellness program or one you’re just starting, ask yourself a fundamental question: Who will champion our program? The answer should be: leaders at every level.

If a business takes a “top down” approach to wellness — that is, it’s essentially mandated for everyone by ownership — the program will likely struggle. Likewise, if a single middle manager or ambitious employee tries to lead the effort alone, while the rest of management looks on lackadaisically, the effort probably won’t meet its objectives.

Successful wellness programs are driven by total management buy-in — from the C-suite to middle management to leaders in every department.

Cultural alignment

A wellness program needs to be a natural and appropriate extension of your company’s existing culture. If it feels forced or “tone deaf,” employees may ignore the program or reflexively push back against it rather than approach it enthusiastically or simply with an open mind.

For example, if your business culture tends to be low-key and you engage a wellness vendor (such as a speaker) who shows up with a loud, flamboyant presentation, your staff may not appreciate what you’re trying to accomplish. Your wellness program’s materials and content should match the tenor and feel of your existing internal communications.

Ultimately, look to establish a “culture of wellness” at your company. For businesses that have never emphasized (or perhaps even discussed) healthy habits and lifestyles, doing so can present a great challenge. Be patient and persistent, bearing in mind that a cultural shift of this nature takes time.

Risks vs. benefits

These are just some of the foundational elements of an employee wellness program to bear in mind. We can help you estimate the costs and assess the risks vs. benefits of establishing or revising such a program.

© 2021 Covenant CPA

Reduce insurance costs by encouraging employee wellness

Protecting your company through the purchase of various forms of insurance is a risk-management necessity. But just because you must buy coverage doesn’t mean you can’t manage the cost of doing so.

Obviously, the safer your workplace, the less likely you’ll incur costly claims and high workers’ compensation premiums. There are, however, bigger-picture issues that you can confront to also lessen the likelihood of expensive payouts. These issues tend to fall under the broad category of employee wellness.

Physical well-being

When you read the word “wellness,” your first thought may be of a formal wellness program at your workplace. Indeed, one of these — properly designed and implemented — can help lower or at least control health care coverage costs.

Wellness programs typically focus on one or more of three types of services/activities:

  1. Health screenings to identify medical risks (with employee consent),
  2. Disease management to support people with existing chronic conditions, and
  3. Lifestyle management to encourage healthier behavior (for example, diet or smoking cessation).

The Affordable Care Act offers incentives to employers that establish qualifying company wellness programs. As mentioned, though, it’s critical to choose the right “size and shape” program to get a worthwhile return on investment.

Mental health

Beyond promoting physical well-being, your business can also encourage mental health wellness to help you avoid or prevent claims involving:

  • Discrimination,
  • Wrongful termination,
  • Sexual harassment, or
  • Other toxic workplace issues.

If you’ve already invested in employment practices liability insurance, you know that it doesn’t come cheap and premiums can skyrocket after just one or two incidents. But, in today’s highly litigious society, many businesses consider such coverage a must-have.

Controlling these costs starts with training. When employees are taught (and reminded) to behave appropriately and understand company policies, they have much less ground to stand on when considering lawsuits. And, on a more positive note, a well-trained workforce should get along better and, thereby, operate in a more upbeat, friendly environment.

To take mental health wellness one step further, you could implement an employee assistance program (EAP). This is a voluntary and confidential way to connect employees to outside providers who can help them manage substance abuse and mental health issues. Although it will call for an upfront investment, an EAP can lower insurance costs over the long term by discouraging lifestyle choices that tend to lead to accidents and lawsuits.

Hand in hand

Happy and healthy — there’s a reason these two words go hand in hand. Create a workforce that’s both and you’ll stand a much better chance of maintaining affordable insurance premiums. We can provide further information on how to reduce potential liability and lower the costs of various forms of business insurance. Call us today at 205-345-9898.

© 2018 Covenant CPA